Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph: How to Find Your Body Type

Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph: How to Find Your Body Type

The ectomorph body type is thin and struggles to gain weight, whether it's fat or muscle. Learn more about the ectomorph diet and workout.

The endomorph body type tends to gain weight faster and keep it on. Learn more about the endomorph diet and workout.

The mesomorph has a natural tendency to be fit and achieve muscle mass with ease. Learn more about the mesomorph diet and workout.

How Accurate Are At-Home Body Fat Scales? ABC Investigates

How Accurate Are At-Home Body Fat Scales? ABC Investigates

ABC investigates the scales measuring weight and body fat that so many rely on. Three women had their body fat measured by ABC's experts, Dr. John shepherd and his team at the university of California San Francisco (UCSF) body composition lab.The BOD POD results at the lab were then compared with those of the latest models of scales from Fitbit, to Withings, Tanita and Qardio. The results were surprising, to say the least. (P.S. Don't miss the fun part is at the end).